

Warteg Papercraft

Warung Tegal is a kind of gastronomic businesses that provide food and drinks at affordable prices. Ordinary also abbreviated Warteg, this name seemed to have become the generic term for middle-class diner down the road, both located in the town of Tegal (Central Java, Indonesia) and elsewhere, both run by people from Tegal as well as from regional other.

Moreover, because at first many stalls run by people from three villages in which villagers Sidapurna Tegal, Sidakaton & Krandon, District Dukuhturi Tegal regency. They manage dry stall in turns (between families in single family ties) every 3 to 4 month. That is not their turn to manage shop usually farming in his hometown. Managing dry stall in Jakarta that the original person is usually incorporated in a Cooperative Tegal Warung Tegal, which is popular with the abbreviation Kowarteg. Kowarteg are still headed by Sastoro.

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Venom Papertoy

Venom, or the Venom Symbiote, is a Symbiote, an extraterrestrial life form in the Marvel Comics universe. The creature is a sentient alien with a gooey, almost liquid-like form. It requires a host, usually human, to bond around for its survival. In return the Venom creature gives its host enhanced powers. In effect, when the Venom Symbiote bonds with a human to form a supervillain, that new dual-life form itself is also often called Venom-wikiVenom Papertoy

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sendal jepit papercraft

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