

Warteg Papercraft

Warung Tegal is a kind of gastronomic businesses that provide food and drinks at affordable prices. Ordinary also abbreviated Warteg, this name seemed to have become the generic term for middle-class diner down the road, both located in the town of Tegal (Central Java, Indonesia) and elsewhere, both run by people from Tegal as well as from regional other.

Moreover, because at first many stalls run by people from three villages in which villagers Sidapurna Tegal, Sidakaton & Krandon, District Dukuhturi Tegal regency. They manage dry stall in turns (between families in single family ties) every 3 to 4 month. That is not their turn to manage shop usually farming in his hometown. Managing dry stall in Jakarta that the original person is usually incorporated in a Cooperative Tegal Warung Tegal, which is popular with the abbreviation Kowarteg. Kowarteg are still headed by Sastoro.

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Venom Papertoy

Venom, or the Venom Symbiote, is a Symbiote, an extraterrestrial life form in the Marvel Comics universe. The creature is a sentient alien with a gooey, almost liquid-like form. It requires a host, usually human, to bond around for its survival. In return the Venom creature gives its host enhanced powers. In effect, when the Venom Symbiote bonds with a human to form a supervillain, that new dual-life form itself is also often called Venom-wikiVenom Papertoy

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sendal jepit papercraft

papercraft sangatlah hebat, sampai-sampai SENDAL JEPIT pun ada replikanya


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MR.Glue & MR. Magnifying glass

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Rahasia Dibalik Nama Muhammad

Rahasia dibalik nama Muhammad, dimana banyak makna yang tersirat dalam kebesaran nama yang sederhana itu. entah apakah ini merupakan salah satu mukjizat atau sekedar kebetulan saja, bahwa ada fakta menarik di abjad/huruf-huruf yang tersusun dari nama itu:

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Maskot-maskot Sea Games dari Tahun 1991 sampai Sekarang (2011)

Kikong Labuyo, Sea Games 1991, Filipina

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Pikiran Logis Orang KrtitiS


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Plesetan Poster-poster Film yang Kocak

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Iblis-iblis yang mewakili 7 Dosa Manusia

1. Lucifer (Pride/Kebanggan)

Dalam bahasa Latin, kata "Lucifer" yang berarti "Pembawa Cahaya" (dari lux, lucis, "cahaya", dan "ferre", "membawa")adalah sebuah nama untuk "Bintang Fajar" (planet Venus ketika muncul pada dini hari). Lucifer menurut kisah-kisah dulunya adalah malaikat, namun akhirnya diturunkan ke bumi karena menentang Tuhan, yang ketika itu mulai menciptakan Adam.

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Si Buta dari gua hantu papercraft

The Blind From Ghost Cave (Si Buta dari saya Gua Hantu : Indonesian) is the main character in kungfu series created by comic artist Ganes TH from Indonesia in the 1960s. This comic first published in 1967 and reprinted again in 2005. This comic is one of the first martial arts comic masterpiece Indonesian comic artists who have popularized the typical kungfu archipelago. It was so popular that the comic was adapted into an action movie game in 1970 with the same title, "The Blind From Ghost Cave".
Download Link : Si Buta dari Gua Hantu Papertoy

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Wiro Sableng papercraft

Wiro Sableng or Swordsman 212, is a fictional character in the series of books written by Bastian Tito. Wiro born with the name Wira Saksana that since the baby had been trained by world renowned teacher martial under the name Sinto Gendeng. Wiro is a warrior with a weapon "Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212" and has a tattoo 212 on his chest. Wiro has many supernatural powers gained during his adventures in the martial world, from various teachers.

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Membuat Efek Karat Pada Model Kertas

Alat yg diperlukan:

  • Kuas (gunakan kuas bekas saja), diperlukan ujung kuas yg agak kaku
  • Cat warna merah bata, coklat dan kuning tranparan. Di sini dicontohkan menggunakan warna cat Tamiya Hull Red XF-9 dan Clear Yellow X-24

Sebelum mengaplikasikan efek karat pada model, lebih baik anda bereksperimen pada bidang lain terlebih dahulu sampai mendapatkan teknik yg tepat dan hasil yg mirip dengan karat. Diperlukan referensi gambar/ foto karat atau anda dapat mencontoh pada benda-benda di sekitar anda yang berkarat, misalnya besi/ baut berkarat, tiang besi berkarat, dll. Latihlah campuran cat anda sampai mirip dengan karat asli baru anda aplikaskan pada model.
Gunakan feeling tangan anda dan logika dalam membentuk arah karat dan posisi bidang berkarat. Misalnya arah karat yg segaris dengan arah jatuhnya air atau karat yg mengelupas. Jika bidang yg berkarat itu datar bentuklah seperti bercak-bercak. Jika bidang miring arahkan kuas segaris dengan arah jatuhnya air.
Pada contoh di atas, menggunakan Hull Red XF-9 terlebih dahulu. Setelah agak kering baru ditimpa dengan cat Clear Yellow X-24 tipis-tipis saja.
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